


Exercise and fitness are essential to good health today. If you want to be fit and feel better, you need to make sure that your body is in a condition to perform at its best. You can’t run if you have poor joints or muscles. So it means that working out is more than just exercise. It is important to pay attention to the needs of every part of your body, starting from the brain to the toes. Once this is determined, you must find ways to meet these demands. In addition, you should know what exercises you like, and how much time you will need for them. If the time is limited, then simply start with short sessions. At the end of the session, you should go back to doing other types of activities. There are many different parts to being active

. These are some of my suggestions:


with weights or resistance bands. We must remember that our muscles receive oxygen, so we must not overload them by moving too quickly. The point is to add variety in movement. That encourages more blood flow to both muscles and your veins for metabolism. This also helps our heart so it doesn’t have a lot of stress about pumping out blood, which we all need to do.



 Try to exercise for an hour to three hours a day and give yourself enough time to relax after each exercise. As soon as you stop exercising, try to immediately return home. Keep the room dark and relaxed. Take care of your mind, and let it release. When you’re sleeping, don’t worry about thoughts and just relax. Give yourself time after each session so that you can have the same effect during the rest of the week. Don’t overthink

 Play sports

 Football, tennis, table tennis. These sports provide many benefits for our bodies. They are very effective in maintaining our cardiovascular system and helping us lose weight. The advantage is that they allow us to exercise without having to wear tight clothing, or spending lots of money. Just try to play sports enough that you are interested. Get on a bike riding with friends and family. It is very easy to stay active even when we are busy. And the only thing you need there is the energy to keep going.  Do a workout at home – I’m saying this because you should choose your activity wisely. Do all the exercises on your own. Just try to complete a few each time and gradually increase the number of days you work out each week. Make sure that you train yourself as often as possible and don’t forget to rest. This is what we call “muscle recovery” or something like that. Your skin can become dehydrated if you don’t get enough water, so don’t wear tight clothes, but try to drink lots of water each day. Start with light exercises and slowly build up. Be careful not to over-exercise. If your whole body can’t take anymore, call me! I’ll come and help you with your goal.

Go for a walk or ride a bicycle on the river at least once a week

You want to bring yourself alive and healthy. People sometimes say that it is dangerous to sit still and think. Well, I can’t agree more. A lot of people don’t realize just how important this is. I always say to myself, why need to be at my desk working? I can walk around at home! What time do I leave? How long does it take me to arrive at the store? Who knows what would happen if I didn’t see those things? But it is true, we can never forget the amount of stress that we are putting ourselves through by sitting at our desks. Sometimes, people think that it’s difficult to look forward to a new day and that’s why they are always reluctant to exercise. Remember, you only need to exercise during the actual act of going out and getting out of bed, and while doing that, don’t use the excuse “I haven’t slept” or “I don’t have time”. It’s easier to face the world when we are really tired! Besides, working out has nothing to do with making excuses. We can deal with everything well when we are tired. If you have time, you should go out and work out. Not everyone is able to main a healthy diet.
